How to get a Witribe connection in 30 minutes

If your cable internet is giving you problem or your small tiny lte usb or lte mifi is not working or it's limited gb is ended in the middle of the month , and it's causing you headache, you probably looking for some other internet option to quit from this irritation.
Here you can get fastest internet connection on truly unlimited data limits. Search Witribe LTE on google you will find alot of links from there you can buy Wi-tribe connection for your home / office.
The best part of witribe lte modem is they offer truly unlimited on 2mbps and 3mbps.
Usually people used to switch to cable internet just because wireless providers dont provide pure unlimited, but here witribe has solved their problem and now offering truly unlimited. All you need to do is find any witribe representative number or call witribe customer support directly to order the connection.
Wi-tribe truly unlimited comes with 2 packages currently , one is 2mbps unlimited which monthly line rent is 1399 which is obviously exclusive taxes, you can add taxes as per govt rules or see updated packages list with tax calculations .
The second package which wi-tribe is offering on truly unlimited basis is 3Mbps package. It's monthly line rent 1599 , again it's exclusive taxes, you can find out tax included list from above url as well.
When you search witribe representative number make sure he will be activating internet connection on your name, anyone who claims that you dont need to be biometric verified , he must be doing something fishy fishy. Also make sure he is activating the same package which you ordered for. Although connection won't be activated until you dont answer to the phone comes from witribe customer care , they confirm you package details etc before final activation.
You can call us as well if you required Wi-tribe LTE Modem for your home or office, we will be more than happy to assist and deploy connection at your doorstep through authorized witribe representative.
Currently Witribe LTE is available in only Karachi and Lahore So all above information which we provided you is available in Karachi and Lahore.
There are other packages available in Witribe LTE which are more than 2Mbps or 3Mbps , but currently they are not offered as Truly unlimited , although gb limits are quite high for all those packages (like 500GB/1000GB/2000GB) but still those are not truly unlimited.
To get in touch with us , if you required internet connection please call us on our contact numbers, 0345-2813343 / 0300-9200279 / 0332-8246795
you can email us at apnabroadband or sales
Here you can get fastest internet connection on truly unlimited data limits. Search Witribe LTE on google you will find alot of links from there you can buy Wi-tribe connection for your home / office.
The best part of witribe lte modem is they offer truly unlimited on 2mbps and 3mbps.
Usually people used to switch to cable internet just because wireless providers dont provide pure unlimited, but here witribe has solved their problem and now offering truly unlimited. All you need to do is find any witribe representative number or call witribe customer support directly to order the connection.
Wi-tribe truly unlimited comes with 2 packages currently , one is 2mbps unlimited which monthly line rent is 1399 which is obviously exclusive taxes, you can add taxes as per govt rules or see updated packages list with tax calculations .
The second package which wi-tribe is offering on truly unlimited basis is 3Mbps package. It's monthly line rent 1599 , again it's exclusive taxes, you can find out tax included list from above url as well.
When you search witribe representative number make sure he will be activating internet connection on your name, anyone who claims that you dont need to be biometric verified , he must be doing something fishy fishy. Also make sure he is activating the same package which you ordered for. Although connection won't be activated until you dont answer to the phone comes from witribe customer care , they confirm you package details etc before final activation.
You can call us as well if you required Wi-tribe LTE Modem for your home or office, we will be more than happy to assist and deploy connection at your doorstep through authorized witribe representative.
Currently Witribe LTE is available in only Karachi and Lahore So all above information which we provided you is available in Karachi and Lahore.
There are other packages available in Witribe LTE which are more than 2Mbps or 3Mbps , but currently they are not offered as Truly unlimited , although gb limits are quite high for all those packages (like 500GB/1000GB/2000GB) but still those are not truly unlimited.
To get in touch with us , if you required internet connection please call us on our contact numbers, 0345-2813343 / 0300-9200279 / 0332-8246795
you can email us at apnabroadband or sales