How much you download from Internet?

Why I am asking all these questions, because people think that they download too much, and any limit can't be feasible for them. Which is really a wrong perception in most of cases. Every user who downloads from Internet, he does in a limit. So no matter if any isp sells connection telling people that it's unlimited, its truly not true. Even ISPs which provide net to user they purchase bandwidth , how you expect them to give you free which costs the company, actually unlimited bandwidth is just a myth. On a network where they announce that users can download unlimited data, it's purely on risk which isps don't take it. Checks and balances are already on all the accounts, and if anyone they think downloading too much and exceeding ' so called unlimited package' they start disconnecting that user.
In my home, have to 2 laptops , online 24 hours , one mine one my brothers, and trust me , we never exceed limit of 4.

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