WiFi Router ( Modem / CPE ) price difference of QUBEE and Wi-Tribe

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
There is a huge big difference in WiFi connection charges of these two wimax broadband services operating in Karachi,Lahore and Rawalpindi Islamabad. Wi-tribe and QUBEE both are giving wimax services to their clients on three cpes / devices. 1) Non WiFi CPE , 2) WiFi CPE , 3rd) USB
There is a huge big difference in WiFi connection charges of these two wimax broadband services operating in Karachi,Lahore and Rawalpindi Islamabad. Wi-tribe and QUBEE both are giving wimax services to their clients on three cpes / devices. 1) Non WiFi CPE , 2) WiFi CPE , 3rd) USB
(Qubee - Reliable Broadband Internet Available Here : - , 0332-8246795)
WiFi connection charges for QUBEE only Rs. 500/-(January 2011) , yet Wi-tribe is charging Rs. 1500/- connection charges for their WiFi modem ( they call it Slider Plus) . Price difference can't be ignored. Although no such difference in coverage or quality.
Updated (Feb 16,2013) : Qubee WiFi Router : Rs. 1000
Updated (Feb 16,2013) : Qubee WiFi Router : Rs. 1000

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