Ptcl DSL Broadband Connects / Disconnects / LED Blinks / Unreliable

There are many who will be agreed , but there are many who won't agree with above statement. Their lines are fine "fortunately", it has nothing to do with the wire which is coming in your home, talking about the whole cabling system from exchange to your home. There are many unreliable spots from where your telephone line can get disturbed, may be an underground big cable or a big cupboard size ptcl unit in your area or pol / dp or your wire in the end. And You can only fix the wire which is coming in your home, and unfortunately problem is somewhere else. When you complain in PTCL they often tell you ok they will change your port, Now that also doesn't work because its not port fault, in rear cases you may find the speed is ok , your net is just fine for 1 or 2 day then again same issue comes.
In short PTCL DSL Broadband can never be as effective as it should be because there is no infrastructure , also PTCL is a telecom company not a proper internet service , issues are in linemen hands and local exchange master who doesn't know much about it. A complain will remain complain till months until customer makes the decision to change the broadband connection.
After DSL failure experience customer more likely to switch on any wireless network , which gives customer freedom to move the device from one place to another, one city to other, which is not possible in dsl setup.
There are few reliable broadband internet services available on wireless, WIMAX is the most reliable technology available in Pakistan , specially QUBEE and Wi-tribe . They both claim that their uptime is almost 99.9% . And that's what I experienced from last 1 year.
To get Wimax Broadband (QUBEE) Today : - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147

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