Want to convert Qubee Device / Usb / WiFi ?

Already Qubee Customer? Wants to change / Convert your Qubee device?
Here are the conversion charges (May change as per tariff)
Updated March 2019 : Please call 0345-2813343 if you were using qubee and now it's stopped working. Wi-tribe device will be installed , rates will be communicated on call. Thanks.
Non-WiFi to Shuttle : Rs. 1000
Non-WiFi to WiFi : Rs. 1000
Wifi to Shuttle : Rs. 1000
WiFi to nonWifi : Rs. 1000
Shuttle to nonWiFi : Rs. 1000
Shuttle to WiFi : Rs. 2000
For more details about device change 0332-8246795 or -.
Here are the conversion charges (May change as per tariff)
Updated March 2019 : Please call 0345-2813343 if you were using qubee and now it's stopped working. Wi-tribe device will be installed , rates will be communicated on call. Thanks.
For more details about device change 0332-8246795 or -.