Qubee Pakistan May 2013 Tariff And Special Promotions

Qubee Pakistan introduced special promotion for the month of May 2013.
Triple Volume Applies on all packages for the month of May 2013 and June 2013
Contact : 0332-8246795 or - for Quick Qubee Connection Installation.
(Sunday Open)
Device or Usb Activation : Rs. 1000/-
Special Qubee Promotions For The Month of May 2013
Triple Volume offer for the month of May and June 2013.
1Mbps Unlimited (Explore Max) activation charges waived off. Previously customer was paying 3000 first time to get Explore max now they will pay only 2500 (1500 one month fee refundable deposit and 1000 Device or USB charges)
Triple Volume Applies on all packages for the month of May 2013 and June 2013
Contact : 0332-8246795 or - for Quick Qubee Connection Installation.
(Sunday Open)
Device or Usb Activation : Rs. 1000/-
Special Qubee Promotions For The Month of May 2013
Triple Volume offer for the month of May and June 2013.
1Mbps Unlimited (Explore Max) activation charges waived off. Previously customer was paying 3000 first time to get Explore max now they will pay only 2500 (1500 one month fee refundable deposit and 1000 Device or USB charges)