Evo Wingle in Peshawar (Packages and Delivery Charges)

PTCL Evo wingle 9.3 Mbps coverage is remarkably good in Peshawar. If you are in Peshawar and want to get ptcl evo wingle 9.3Mbps in cheapest rates you can contact us for that.Free Delivery by rider, we can delivery Evo wingle(WiFi USB) 9.3Mbps anywhere in Peshawar.
You can order us following packages in Peshawar:
Prepaid Wingle (1500 per month 20GB) Or 1250 Per Month 20GB
Contact Us for Delivery Evo Wingle in Peshawar : 0332-8246795 or -
Cash On Delivery
You can order us following packages in Peshawar:
Prepaid Wingle (1500 per month 20GB) Or 1250 Per Month 20GB
Contact Us for Delivery Evo Wingle in Peshawar : 0332-8246795 or -
Cash On Delivery