PTCL EVO (A Costly Solution)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
A friend of mine, called me and said he wants to boost his EVO signals , because I didn't know any method to boost signals of any USB , I asked him to switch any other network which gives you better coverage. Friend told me he could switch if he wouldn't have paid Rs. 4000/- for just a USB DONGLE (Without Connection) .
A friend of mine, called me and said he wants to boost his EVO signals , because I didn't know any method to boost signals of any USB , I asked him to switch any other network which gives you better coverage. Friend told me he could switch if he wouldn't have paid Rs. 4000/- for just a USB DONGLE (Without Connection) .
This sounds very black mailing , PTCL EVO (the black one USB) is reported most weakest quality , it breaks itself even if someone plugs into USB little hard. Forget it will work if slips from hands. There is nothing wrong in charging aggressive if its worth something. If PTCL has no good coverage and no quality of USB then why charging for garbage?
Instead of offering aggressive and blacking mailing potential customers PTCL should focus on quality first. PTCL EVO is totally flop product in major cities where people have other choices as well.
As compare to PTCL EVO, Worldcall USB and QUBEE USB is giving much better quality(coverage and usb cpe quality wise). And QUBEE wimax packages are much competitive , just 1000 per month for 512 Kbps Unlimited, or Rs. 1500 for 1Mbps Unlimited (At the time of Post).
To Get USB Broadband call : -,0332-8246795 or 021-38662147