Qubee Shuttle available in 512Kbps/1Mbps/1.5Mpbs Speeds

Qubee Shuttle (USB Device) Available in all speeds. And in all packages , same as wimax modem packages. Qubee may be the only broadband service which is providing usb and wimax modem connections on same rates. Otherwise if you compare wi-tribe usb with qubee usb , you will see a huge difference in wi-tribe's USB tariff and QUBEE tariff. Even within wi-tribe dongle and wimax modems tariff, there is very big difference of activation charges and limited volume packages. Wi-tribe is not giving Unlimited on USB till this date of posting. Wi-tribe Unlimited is not available on their USB dongle. On the other side QUBEE offering all packages on USB shuttle as well.
(Get Qubee Internet Service in Rs. 750/Month Today : Call : - , 0332-8246795)
Monthly packages of regular packages are almost equal and fifty fifty on both sides. (wi-tribe and qubee) , in some packages Wi-tribe gives extra benefit and in few QUBEE. This healthy competition will facilitate customers .
(Get Qubee Internet Service in Rs. 750/Month Today : Call : - , 0332-8246795)
Monthly packages of regular packages are almost equal and fifty fifty on both sides. (wi-tribe and qubee) , in some packages Wi-tribe gives extra benefit and in few QUBEE. This healthy competition will facilitate customers .