TATA, Bye Bye Qubee Free Offers by Sales Reps.

Talked to few customers those were having issues with coverage , and I was pretty sure that coverage can't be issue in QUBEE connection. Because the procedure QUBEE follows , its almost impossible to have a coverage issue. When I talk to them in details I get to know that they somehow didn't follow the procedure , took device from any friend or bought device from some 'bad fish'.
How do you get Qubee connection? When you order for Qubee, installation team takes appointment and visits your premises , (ITS COMPULSORY) for Installation team , they deploy the connection and calls the dept. which makes sure that coverage is perfect and all values are perfect , after approval from that dept. installation team can leave the device in customer premises and chances are very rear that customer will be calling again because of "COVERAGE".
Want to Order? : 0300-9200279