Qubee Devices (List / Service / Pictures)

Qubee Wimax Broadband offers different type of devices as per customer need.
Typically you can fall qubee devices in 3 categories :
1 - Non WiFi Modem
2 - Pocket USB Modem
3 - WiFi Device (Or WiFi router)
1) Non WiFi Qubee Device
Qubee doesn't ask customer to purchase the device so it's totally upto company which internet device they install in customer premises. Usually Qubee Non WiFi devices either a Siemens sx 681 or Sx 682, Or ZyxeL 216 M1R
2) Pocket USB Modem
Qubee USB pocket (USB Shuttle) is Greenpacket UH235.
3) WiFi Device
Qubee usually gives a Tenda WiFi router (with 4 ports) with wimax modem. Siemens SX 686 may also be delivered or Green Packet Tower WiFi unit.
Typically you can fall qubee devices in 3 categories :
1 - Non WiFi Modem
2 - Pocket USB Modem
3 - WiFi Device (Or WiFi router)
1) Non WiFi Qubee Device
Qubee doesn't ask customer to purchase the device so it's totally upto company which internet device they install in customer premises. Usually Qubee Non WiFi devices either a Siemens sx 681 or Sx 682, Or ZyxeL 216 M1R
2) Pocket USB Modem
Qubee USB pocket (USB Shuttle) is Greenpacket UH235.
3) WiFi Device
Qubee usually gives a Tenda WiFi router (with 4 ports) with wimax modem. Siemens SX 686 may also be delivered or Green Packet Tower WiFi unit.