PTCL EVO Day Pass Package And QUBEE Prepay

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
PTCL EVO giving TIME Based Packages under prepaid packages plan.
After those 24 hours , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 24 hours only!
PTCL EVO giving TIME Based Packages under prepaid packages plan.
The affordable PTCL EVO Day Pass Package rates are Rs. 100 and your account will be active for 1 day(24 hours) As soon as clock crosses 24th hour your internet will be stopped. It used to be a good package for those who sit 'very' occasionally or you can say PTCL made them to sit occasionally (i.e. ONE DAY in a week).
To start using PTCL Day Pass Package you need a ptcl evo usb device which is available in Rs. 4000/-. Ok So it's USB device charges only without any package. If you load Rs. 100 denomination card you will be able to use internet for next 24 hours from that time.
To open your first google page through PTCL EVO you need to spend Rs. 4100/- (Nothing is refundable) and this browsing will be active for the next 24 hours ONLY!
After those 24 hours , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 24 hours only!
Now let's talk about QUBEE Prepay , they claim the first true prepay broadband in Pakistan. Let's analyze how true this statement is.
- In April QUBEE launched their prepay packages and as April tariff prepay Total upfront charges are Rs. 2500/-
- Unlike PTCL EVO , QUBEE doesn't charge big amount for CPE. They are charging Rs. 1000 Security deposit as refundable deposit.
- In that toal upfront Rs. 2500/- , Rs. 1000 goes as refundable security deposit , Rs. 1000 for activation charges and Rs. 500 as starter balance for 30 days.
- To open your first google page through QUBEE Prepay you need to spend 2500/-(Rs. 1000 is refundable) and this browsing will be enabled for the next 30 days!
After 30 days , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 3 days.
After 30 days , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 3 days.
To order Qubee Prepay : - , 0332-8246795

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