QUBEE PrePay Scratch Cards Pricing and GBs (volume)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
QUBEE PrePay cards available in PKR 100 to PKR 1000 Range. Giving total free hand to users to manage their internet monthly budget by their requirement. Although regular customers will always go for Postpaid and that's the beauty of prepay. No extra burden on pocket, customer pays only when he/she needs to use the services.
QUBEE PrePay cards available in PKR 100 to PKR 1000 Range. Giving total free hand to users to manage their internet monthly budget by their requirement. Although regular customers will always go for Postpaid and that's the beauty of prepay. No extra burden on pocket, customer pays only when he/she needs to use the services.

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