Mobilink GPRS Internet Tariff (Personal Experience)

In my opinion Mobilink GPRS Internet is cheapest GPRS internet in all packages. Specially the package Rs. 30 for 7days with 500MB Validity. This is most cheapest internet rates in all GPRS internet packages ever introduced by any network.
Telenor internet packages are quite expensive no matter you have talkshawk or djuice, internet on telenor is comparatively high than mobilink.
I felt it's speed slow, ( I have no experience of other GPRS internet) , either I use broadband internet or Mobilink GPRS and I find GPRS internet speed irritating slow.
HSDPA or 3G is not yet introduced in Pakistan , so till than people who need mobility are forced to use these gprs internet services. Although wireless broadband services like Qubee / Wi-tribe / Infinity , they have introduced USB pocket modems but these ISPs are working in limited cities and gprs internet is almost available everywhere, where mobile network coverage is there.
There is another solution for users who want to use gprs internet without plugging mobile phone in laptop or PC a Edge / Gprs USB can be plugged in PC and GPRS internet works on it. Few companies are already giving GPRS / Edge USB modems but they are charging very aggressively. Plus those usbs are only Edge Supported (not 3G or HSDPA supported). If you want a GPRS/Edge USB which will work on HSDPA network as well (when It will introduced in Pakistan) or you will switch to any other country where HSDPA coverage is already there.
We deliver (Free- No delivery charges) HSDPA / GPRS / Edge USB in Pakistan (Any City / Any Area / Any Village) . All Network Supported USB can be ordered easily by calling 0332-8246795 or -. USB Rates are very economical.
Telenor internet packages are quite expensive no matter you have talkshawk or djuice, internet on telenor is comparatively high than mobilink.
I felt it's speed slow, ( I have no experience of other GPRS internet) , either I use broadband internet or Mobilink GPRS and I find GPRS internet speed irritating slow.
HSDPA or 3G is not yet introduced in Pakistan , so till than people who need mobility are forced to use these gprs internet services. Although wireless broadband services like Qubee / Wi-tribe / Infinity , they have introduced USB pocket modems but these ISPs are working in limited cities and gprs internet is almost available everywhere, where mobile network coverage is there.
There is another solution for users who want to use gprs internet without plugging mobile phone in laptop or PC a Edge / Gprs USB can be plugged in PC and GPRS internet works on it. Few companies are already giving GPRS / Edge USB modems but they are charging very aggressively. Plus those usbs are only Edge Supported (not 3G or HSDPA supported). If you want a GPRS/Edge USB which will work on HSDPA network as well (when It will introduced in Pakistan) or you will switch to any other country where HSDPA coverage is already there.
We deliver (Free- No delivery charges) HSDPA / GPRS / Edge USB in Pakistan (Any City / Any Area / Any Village) . All Network Supported USB can be ordered easily by calling 0332-8246795 or -. USB Rates are very economical.

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