Friday, May 6, 2011

Consumer Complaints (Broadband Services)

Apnabroadband will soon start a complaint section where all the complaints will be published which we receive from our valuable blogs readers / visitors. You are requested to visit Broadband Complaints in Pakistan post  available on .

It's not necessary that you only post complaints about wireless broadband you can post complaints about your local cablenet service / DSL Broadband as well. The basic motive is to find the resolve. If any complaint goes in public people who already resolved such complaints by their experiences they can solve your issues without letting you change of your service provider.   

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Qubee Unlimited Packages Now Available on Indoor and WiFi CPEs

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
Good news for all the users who either use multiple PCs or laptops now as per May 2011 Qubee WiMax Pakistan tariff showing that Qubee giving Unlimited* packages on their Indoor  and WiFi modems as well. There must be a big numbers of users who want unlimited package on wimax modem.

512 Kbps Unlimited* Per Month 1250/-
1Mbps Unlimited* Per Month 1500/-

If you want to get Qubee Unlimited either on USB / Indoor Modem or on WiFi you can order QUBEE connection if know any sales rep or call QUBEE call center. You may also call on given mobile numbers for details/quick deployment :

* Fair Usage Policy applies

QUBEE - LIVE IN YOUR WORLD (Published in May 11 Newspapers)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147

Live in your world 
Play in ours
- Life is more fun when you live it your way.
- Play in a world of endless possibilities with Qubee.

Your Choice For Reliable Broadband Internet
Visit Official Apnabroadband Website
For Packages information/Connection Call : - or 0332-8246795

*QUBEE Ad published in 01 May 2011 DAWN Newspaper.  

Saturday, April 30, 2011

QUBEE Tariff in May 2011

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
Revised rates as on May 14th 2011
Discover 8 : 8GB : Rs. 750/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1000/- , USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2000/-)

Discover 12 : 12GB : Rs. 900/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1200/- , USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2200/-)

Discover 18 : 18GB : Rs.1000/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1350/- , USB/Indoor Modem Security Deposit Refundable 1000 and activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2350/-)

Discover Max : Unlimited : Rs. 1250/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1650/- , USB/Indoor Modem Security Deposit Refundable 1000 and activation Charges Rs. 1000/- (Total upfront Rs. 2650)

Explore 8 : 8GB : Rs. 850/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1100/- , USB/Indoor Modem Security Deposit Refundable 1000 and activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2150/-)

Explore 12 : 12GB : Rs.1000/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1350/- , USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2350/-)

Explore 18 : 18GB : Rs.1200/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 1600/- , USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 2600/-)

Explore Max : Unlimited : Rs. 1500/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 2000/- , 
USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/-  Total Upfront Rs. 3000/-)
1.5 Mbps

Venture 18 : 18GB : Rs. 2000/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 2700/- , USB/Indoor Modem Activation Charges Rs. 1000 Total Upfront Rs. 3700/-)

Venture Max : Unlimited : Rs. 2400/Month (Security Refundable Rs. 3200/- , USB/Indoor Modem activation Charges Rs. 1000/- Total Upfront Rs. 4200/-)

WiFi Activation Charges : Rs. 1500/-

*New : QUBEE Unlimited now available on Indoor modems(WiFi & Non) as well.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

PTCL EVO Day Pass Package And QUBEE Prepay

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
PTCL EVO giving TIME Based Packages under prepaid packages plan.
The affordable PTCL EVO Day Pass Package rates are Rs. 100 and your account will be active for 1 day(24 hours) As soon as clock crosses 24th hour your internet will be stopped. It used to be a good package for those who sit 'very' occasionally or you can say PTCL made them to sit occasionally (i.e. ONE DAY in a week).

To start using PTCL Day Pass Package you need a ptcl evo usb device which is available in Rs. 4000/-. Ok So it's USB device charges only without any package. If you load Rs. 100 denomination card you will be able to use internet for next 24 hours from that time.

To open your first google page through PTCL EVO you need to spend Rs. 4100/- (Nothing is refundable) and this browsing will be active for the next 24 hours ONLY!

After those 24 hours , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 24 hours only!

Now let's talk about QUBEE Prepay , they claim the first true prepay broadband in Pakistan. Let's analyze how true this statement is.
- In April QUBEE launched their prepay packages and as April tariff prepay Total upfront charges are Rs. 2500/- 
- Unlike PTCL EVO , QUBEE doesn't charge big amount for CPE. They are charging Rs. 1000 Security deposit as refundable deposit.
- In that toal upfront Rs. 2500/- , Rs. 1000 goes as refundable security deposit , Rs. 1000 for activation charges and Rs. 500 as starter balance for 30 days.

- To open your first google page through QUBEE Prepay you need to spend 2500/-(Rs. 1000 is refundable) and this browsing will be enabled for the next 30 days!

After 30 days , load Rs. 100 scratch card and use for next 3 days.

To order Qubee Prepay : - , 0332-8246795

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Which broadband is better: QUBEE prepaid or QUBEE postpaid.

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
First of all we should understand difference of Internet users. There are different type of internet users , few use internet on daily basis at home/office , these are regular internet users. There are other users who occasionally sit on internet once or twice in a week. Few want easy solution (like don't wanna go to bank or anywhere) , For few recharging card before using net is difficult then going once in a month to pay internet bills.

Now if you ask which broadband is better for you , you should know what is your internet usage. Do you sit regularly or occasionally. OR regularly only when you available in your city otherwise travelling. Giving you few points you know yourself better , evaluate which broadband package is suitable for you:

To whom Prepay package will attract more:

1) Those who hate the concept of postpaid billing.(Receiving bills/going anywhere to pay bills)
2) Users who don't use very regularly (either daily or monthly) on internet.
3) Can't afford a heavy amount at a time.
4) They using any broadband but want an alternative broadband which has no big contract , should be pay as you go.
5) It's very cheap in rates than other wireless broadband prepay packages offered by PTCL EVO.
6) First ever prepay connection which will be provided you as same as premier postpaid customers.(visiting your home, ensuring quality / signal / coverage strength).
7) No blackmailing policy in which ISPs charge big non refundable amount Upfront charges. So customer can come on board and leave the network happily for any reason at any point of time.

To whom Postpaid package will attract more:

1) Those customers who hate to go and find scratch cards in market when they need to use Internet.
2) A regular internet user , who either sit for few hours or for many hours.
3) Can spare little amount on monthly basis for his internet need.
4) Per month fee is very much competitive as compare to other Wireless broadband services(USB specially)
5) Premium customers who don't like to switch services time to time and they want to stay with quality.
6) Most of the charges from upfront are refundable , so people can take the service and leave the contract anytime for any reason , he/she will get the refund.

Order Qubee prepay or Qubee postpaid Call 0332-8246795
(Qubee Unlimited USB/WiFi/Non WiFi/prepay/postpaid)

Monday, April 11, 2011

QUBEE PrePay Scratch Cards Pricing and GBs (volume)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
QUBEE PrePay cards available in PKR 100 to PKR 1000 Range. Giving total free hand to users to manage their internet monthly budget by their requirement. Although regular customers will always go for Postpaid and that's the beauty of prepay. No extra burden on pocket, customer pays only when he/she needs to use the services.

Friday, April 8, 2011

QUBEE Prepay ( A True Prepaid Broadband in Pakistan)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
QUBEE WiMax Pakistan has launched first true prepay broadband in Pakistan from 8th of April 2011.
For further details visit QUBEE Official Website or CLICK HERE

Saturday, April 2, 2011

QUBEE TARIFF For April 2011

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 or 021-38662147
You Reached at April 2011 Qubee Tariff  click here for latest 2012 APR tariff
Check out Tariff plan of Indoor /Shuttle CPE:
Discover 6 Per Month Rs.750/-. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security 2000/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges] = Total Upfront 3000
Discover 12 Per Month Rs.900/-. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security  2200/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges]  = Total Upfront 3200
Discover 18 Per Month Rs. 1000/-. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security  2350/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges] = Total Upfront 3350

Explore 6 Per Month Rs.850. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security  2150/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges]= Total Upfront 3150
Explore 12 Per Month Rs.1000. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security  2350/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges]  = Total Upfront 3350
Explore 18 Per Month Rs.1800. [First Payment Security Deposit + CPE Security  3000/- + Rs. 1000 Activation Charges]= Total Upfront 4000

WIFI CPE Security Deposit is Rs. 1500/- (Indoor/SHUTTLE CPE Security deposit is 1000/-) , So don't forget to add Rs. 500 in total upfront.
Unlimited 512Kbps : Rs. 1000 Per Month , Total Upfront 3350/-(2350 Refundable Security deposit+1000 USB Activation Charges)
Unlimited 1Mbps : Rs. 1500 Per Month , Total Upfront 4000/-(3000 Refundable Security deposit+1000 USB Activation Charges)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

QUBEE - New WiFi Device (Green Packet's)

For quick wireless broadband connection (free delivery) contact numbers  - , 0332-8246795 
Call : - , 0332-8246795
QUBEE started giving new WiFi device to QUBEE new customers who required wifi connection. By WiFi customer can use internet on his iPhone or mobile phone which has WLan (WiFi) anywhere in wifi device range. Customer can get the net without cable on his/her laptop if it has wifi card in it.

If any customer has wifi mobile and laptop he should get the wifi device connection from QUBEE which is offered in reasonable activation charges. Device is free but always remain company property and subjected to return after de-activation of account.

For Customer benefit now qubee gives wifi router with internet connection, you can use multiple internet connections at same time through the wifi router.

For WiFi connection in Karachi call : - or 0332-8246795 for delivery & demo at home/office (Your premises)